What are the codes used in the DSM-IV for diagnosing mental disorders?

The DSM-IV, or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, is the standard classification of mental health disorders used by mental health professionals. It provides a common language and set of criteria for the diagnosis, treatment, and research of mental disorders. One important aspect of the DSM-IV is the use of codes for each disorder, which allows for a consistent and efficient way to identify and classify different mental health conditions. In this article, we will explore the codes used in the DSM-IV for diagnosing mental disorders and their significance in the field of mental health.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, Text Revision, also known as DSM-IV-TR, is a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) that includes all currently recognized mental health disorders. The coding system utilized by the DSM-IV is designed to correspond with codes from the International Classification of Diseases, commonly referred to as the ICD. Since early versions of the DSM did not correlate with ICD codes and updates of the publications for the ICD and the DSM are not simultaneous, some distinctions in the coding systems may still be present. For this reason, it is recommended that users of these manuals consult the appropriate reference when accessing diagnostic codes.

To see these codes listed alphabetically, rather than by category, click here.

NOS = Not Otherwise Specified.


Pervasive developmental disorders

• 299.00 Autistic Disorder
• 299.80 Rett’s Disorder
• 299.10 Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
• 299.80 Asperger’s Disorder
• 299.80 Pervasive Developmental Disorder NOS


Attention-deficit and disruptive behavior disorders

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

• 314.01 Combined subtype
• 314.01 Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive subtype
• 314.00 Predominantly inattentive subtype
• 314.9 Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder NOS
Conduct disorder

• 312.81 Childhood onset
• 312.82 Adolescent onset
• 312.89 Unspecified onset
• 313.81 Oppositional Defiant Disorder
• 312.9 Disruptive Behavior Disorder NOS


Feeding and eating disorders of infancy or early childhood

• 307.52 Pica
• 307.59 Feeding disorder of infancy or early childhood


Tic disorders

• 307.23 Tourette’s Disorder
• 307.22 Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder
• 307.21 Transient tic disorder
• 307.20 Tic disorder NOS


Elimination disorders


• 787.6 Encopresis, with constipation and overflow incontinence
• 307.7 Encopresis, without constipation and overflow incontinence
• 307.6 Enuresis (not due to a general medical condition)


Other disorders of infancy, childhood, or adolescence

• 309.21 Separation anxiety disorder
• 313.23 Selective mutism
• 313.89 Reactive attachment disorder of infancy or early childhood
• 307.3 Stereotypic movement disorder
• 313.9 Disorder of infancy, childhood, or adolescence NOS


Delirium, dementia, and amnestic and other cognitive disorders


• 293.0 Delirium due to…
• 780.09 Delirium NOS



• 290.10 Dementia due to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
• 294.1 Dementia due to head trauma
• 294.9 Dementia due to HIV disease
• 294.1 Dementia due to Huntington’s disease
• 294.1 Dementia due to Parkinson’s disease
• 290.10 Dementia due to Pick’s disease
• 294.1 Dementia due to… [indicate other general medical condition]
• 294.8 Dementia NOS
Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type, with early onset

• 290.10 Uncomplicated
• 290.11 With delirium
• 290.12 With delusions
• 290.13 With depressed mood


Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type, with late onset

• 290.0 Uncomplicated
• 290.3 With delirium
• 290.20 With delusions
• 290.21 With depressed mood


Vascular dementia

• 290.40 Uncomplicated
• 290.41 With delirium
• 290.42 With delusions
• 290.43 With depressed mood


Amnestic disorders

• 294.0 Amnestic disorder due to…
• 294.8 Amnestic disorder NOS


Other cognitive disorders

• 294.9 Cognitive disorder NOS


Mental disorders due to a general medical condition not elsewhere classified

• 293.89 Catatonic disorder due to…
• 310.1 Personality change due to… (Subtypes: Labile, Disinhibited, Aggressive, Apathetic, Paranoid, Other, Combined, Unspecified)
• 293.9 Mental disorder NOS due to…


Substance-related disorders

Alcohol-related disorders


• 305.00 Abuse
• 303.90 Dependence
• 291.8 -Induced anxiety disorder
• 291.8 -Induced mood disorder
• 291.1 -Induced persisting amnestic disorder
• 291.2 -Induced persisting dementia
• 291.5 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
• 291.3 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
• 291.8 -Induced sexual dysfunction
• 291.8 -Induced sleep disorder
• 303.00 Intoxication
• 291.0 Intoxication delirium
• 291.9 -Related disorder NOS
• 291.8 Withdrawal
• 291.0 Withdrawal delirium


Amphetamine (or amphetamine-like) related disorders

Amphetamine (or amphetamine-like)

• 305.70 Abuse
• 304.40 Dependence
• 292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
• 292.84 -Induced mood disorder
• 292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
• 292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
• 292.89 -Induced sexual dysfunction
• 292.89 -Induced sleep disorder
• 292.89 Intoxication
• 292.81 Intoxication delirium
• 292.9 -Related disorder NOS
• 292.0 Withdrawal


Caffeine-related disorders


• 292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
• 292.89 -Induced sleep disorder
• 305.90 Intoxication
• 292.9 -Related disorder NOS


Cannabis-related disorders


• 305.20 Abuse
• 304.30 Dependence
• 292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
• 292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
• 292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
• 292.89 Intoxication
• 292.81 Intoxication delirium
• 292.9 -Related disorder NOS


Cocaine-related disorders


• 305.60 Abuse
• 304.20 Dependence
• 292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
• 292.84 -Induced mood disorder
• 292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
• 292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
• 292.89 -Induced sexual dysfunction
• 292.89 -Induced sleep disorder
• 292.89 Intoxication
• 292.81 Intoxication delirium
• 292.9 -Related disorder NOS
• 292.0 Withdrawal


Hallucinogen-related disorders


• 305.30 Abuse
• 304.50 Dependence
• 292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
• 292.84 -Induced mood disorder
• 292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
• 292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
• 292.89 Intoxication
• 292.81 Intoxication delirium
• 292.89 -persisting perception disorder
• 292.9 -Related disorder NOS


Inhalant-related disorders


• 305.90 Abuse
• 304.60 Dependence
• 292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
• 292.84 -Induced mood disorder
• 292.82 -Induced persisting dementia
• 292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
• 292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
• 292.89 Intoxication
• 292.81 Intoxication delirium
• 292.9 -Related disorder NOS


Nicotine-related disorders


• 305.1 Dependence
• 292.9 -Related disorder NOS
• 292.0 Withdrawal


Opioid-related disorders


• 305.50 Abuse
• 304.00 Dependence
• 292.84 -Induced mood disorder
• 292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
• 292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
• 292.89 -Induced sexual dysfunction
• 292.89 -Induced sleep disorder
• 292.89 Intoxication
• 292.81 Intoxication delirium
• 292.9 -Related disorder NOS
• 292.0 Withdrawal


Phencyclidine (or phencyclidine-like) related disorders

Phencyclidine (or phencyclidine-like)

• 305.90 Abuse
• 304.90 Dependence
• 292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
• 292.84 -Induced mood disorder
• 292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
• 292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
• 292.89 Intoxication
• 292.81 Intoxication delirium
• 292.9 -Related disorder NOS


Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorders

Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic

• 305.40 Abuse
• 304.10 Dependence
• 292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
• 292.84 -Induced mood disorder
• 292.83 -Induced persisting amnestic disorder
• 292.82 -Induced persisting dementia
• 292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
• 292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
• 292.89 -Induced sexual dysfunction
• 292.89 -Induced sleep disorder
• 292.89 Intoxication
• 292.81 Intoxication delirium
• 292.9 -Related disorder NOS
• 292.0 Withdrawal
• 292.81 Withdrawal delirium


Polysubstance-related disorder

• 304.80 Polysubstance dependence


Other (or unknown) substance-related disorder

Other (or unknown) substance

• 305.90 Abuse
• 304.90 Dependence
• 292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
• 292.81 -Induced delirium
• 292.84 -Induced mood disorder
• 292.83 -Induced persisting amnestic disorder
• 292.82 -Induced persisting dementia
• 292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
• 292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
• 292.89 -Induced sexual dysfunction
• 292.89 -Induced sleep disorder
• 292.89 Intoxication
• 292.9 -Related disorder NOS
• 292.0 Withdrawal


Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders


• 295.2 Catatonic type
• 295.1 Disorganized type
• 295.3 Paranoid type
• 295.6 Residual type
• 295.9 Undifferentiated type
• 295.4 Schizophreniform disorder
• 295.7 Schizoaffective disorder
• 297.1 Delusional disorder

◦ Erotomanic subtype
◦ Grandiose subtype
◦ Jealous subtype
◦ Persecutory subtype
◦ Somatic subtype
◦ Mixed type

• 298.8 Brief psychotic disorder
• 297.3 Shared psychotic disorder


Psychotic disorder due to…

• 293.81 With delusions
• 293.82 With hallucinations
• 298.9 Psychotic disorder NOS


Mood disorders

Depressive disorders

• 300.4 Dysthymic disorder


Major depressive disorder

Major depressive disorder, recurrent

• 296.36 In full remission
• 296.35 In partial remission
• 296.31 Mild
• 296.32 Moderate
• 296.33 Severe without psychotic features
• 296.34 Severe with psychotic features
• 296.30 Unspecified
Major depressive disorder, single episode

• 296.26 In full remission
• 296.25 In partial remission
• 296.21 Mild
• 296.22 Moderate
• 296.23 Severe without psychotic features
• 296.24 Severe with psychotic features
• 296.20 Unspecified
• 311 Depressive disorder NOS


Bipolar disorders

Bipolar disorders

• 296.80 Bipolar disorder NOS


Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode depressed

• 296.56 In full remission
• 296.55 In partial remission
• 296.51 Mild
• 296.52 Moderate
• 296.53 Severe without psychotic features
• 296.54 Severe with psychotic features
• 296.50 Unspecified
• 296.40 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode hypomanic


Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode manic

• 296.46 In full remission
• 296.45 In partial remission
• 296.41 Mild
• 296.42 Moderate
• 296.43 Severe without psychotic features
• 296.44 Severe with psychotic features
• 296.40 Unspecified


Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode mixed

• 296.66 In full remission
• 296.65 In partial remission
• 296.61 Mild
• 296.62 Moderate
• 296.63 Severe without psychotic features
• 296.64 Severe with psychotic features
• 296.60 Unspecified
• 296.7 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode unspecified


Bipolar I disorder, single manic episode

• 296.06 In full remission
• 296.05 In partial remission
• 296.01 Mild
• 296.02 Moderate
• 296.03 Severe without psychotic features
• 296.04 Severe with psychotic features
• 296.00 Unspecified
• 296.89 Bipolar II disorder
• 301.13 Cyclothymic disorder


Mood disorder

• 293.83 Mood disorder due to…
• 296.90 Mood disorder NOS


Anxiety disorders

• 300.02 Generalized anxiety disorder


Panic disorder

• 300.21 With agoraphobia
• 300.01 Without agoraphobia
• 300.22 Agoraphobia without history of panic disorder
• 300.29 Specific phobia
• 300.23 Social phobia
• 300.3 Obsessive-compulsive disorder
• 309.81 Posttraumatic stress disorder
• 308.3 Acute stress disorder


Anxiety disorder

• 293.84 Anxiety disorder due to a general medical condition
• 293.89 Anxiety disorder due to…
• 300.00 Anxiety disorder NOS


Somatoform disorders

• 300.81 Somatization disorder
• 300.81 Undifferentiated somatoform disorder
• 300.11 Conversion disorder


Pain disorder

• 307.89 Associated with both psychological factors and a general medical condition
• 307.80 Associated with psychological factors
• 300.7 Hypochondriasis
• 300.7 Body dysmorphic disorder
• 300.81 Somatoform disorder NOS


Factitious disorders

Factitious disorder

• 300.19 With combined psychological and physical signs and symptoms
• 300.19 With predominantly physical signs and symptoms
• 300.16 With predominantly psychological signs and symptoms
• 300.19 Factitious disorder NOS


Dissociative disorders

• 300.6 Depersonalization disorder
• 300.12 Dissociative amnesia
• 300.13 Dissociative fugue
• 300.14 Dissociative identity disorder
• 300.15 Dissociative disorder NOS


Sexual and gender identity disorders

Sexual dysfunctions

• 625.8 Female hypoactive sexual desire disorder due to…
• 608.89 Male hypoactive sexual desire disorder due to…
• 302.71 Hypoactive sexual desire disorder
• 302.79 Sexual aversion disorder
• 302.72 Female sexual arousal disorder
• 302.72 Male erectile disorder
• 607.84 Male erectile disorder due to…
• 302.73 Female orgasmic disorder
• 302.74 Male orgasmic disorder
• 302.75 Premature ejaculation
• 302.76 Dyspareunia (not due to a general medical condition)
• 625.0 Female dyspareunia due to…
• 608.89 Male dyspareunia due to…
• 306.51 Vaginismus (not due to a general medical condition)
• 625.8 Other female sexual dysfunction due to…
• 608.89 Other male sexual dysfunction due to…


Sexual Abuse

• V61.1 Sexual abuse of adult
• 995.81 Sexual abuse of adult (if focus of attention is on victim)
• V61.21 Sexual abuse of child
• 995.5 Sexual abuse of child (if focus of attention is on victim)
• 302.9 Sexual disorder NOS
• 302.70 Sexual dysfunction NOS



• 302.4 Exhibitionism
• 302.81 Fetishism
• 302.89 Frotteurism
• 302.2 Pedophilia
• 302.83 Sexual masochism
• 302.84 Sexual sadism
• 302.3 Transvestic fetishism
• 302.82 Voyeurism
• 302.9 Paraphilia NOS (not otherwise specified)


Gender identity disorders

Gender identity disorder

• 302.85 In adolescents or adults
• 302.6 In children
• 302.6 Gender identity disorder NOS


Eating disorders

• 307.1 Anorexia nervosa
• 307.51 Bulimia nervosa
• 307.53 Rumination syndrome
• 307.50 Eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS)


Sleep disorders

Primary sleep disorders

• 307.44 Primary hypersomnia
• 307.42 Primary insomnia
• 347 Narcolepsy
• 780.59 Breathing-related sleep disorder
• 307.45 Circadian rhythm sleep disorder
• 307.47 Dyssomnia NOS



• 307.47 Nightmare disorder
• 307.46 Sleep terror disorder
• 307.46 Sleepwalking disorder
• 307.47 Parasomnia NOS


Other sleep disorders

Sleep disorder

Sleep disorder due to…

• 780.54 Hypersomnia type
• 780.52 Insomnia type
• 780.59 Mixed type
• 780.59 Parasomnia type
• 307.42 Insomnia related to…
• 307.44 Hypersomnia related to…


Impulse-control disorders not elsewhere classified

• 312.34 Intermittent explosive disorder
• 312.32 Kleptomania
• 312.33 Pyromania
• 312.31 Pathological gambling
• 312.39 Trichotillomania
• 312.30 Impulse-control disorder NOS
• 312.30 Mavvers The Spazzer Knee and Brain Impairment (MTSKABI)


Adjustment disorders

Adjustment disorders

• 309.9 Unspecified
• 309.24 With anxiety
• 309.0 With depressed mood
• 309.3 With disturbance of conduct
• 309.28 With mixed anxiety and depressed mood
• 309.4 With mixed disturbance of emotions and conduct


Personality disorders (Axis II)

Cluster A (odd or eccentric)

• 301.0 Paranoid personality disorder
• 301.20 Schizoid personality disorder
• 301.22 Schizotypal personality disorder


Cluster B (dramatic, emotional, or erratic)

• 301.7 Antisocial personality disorder
• 301.83 Borderline personality disorder
• 301.50 Histrionic personality disorder
• 301.81 Narcissistic personality disorder


Cluster C (anxious or fearful)

• 301.82 Avoidant personality disorder
• 301.6 Dependent personality disorder
• 301.4 Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder



• 301.9 Personality disorder not otherwise specified


Additional codes

• V62.3 Academic problem
• V62.4 Acculturation problem
• 995.2 Adverse effects of medication NOS
• 780.9 Age-related cognitive decline


Antisocial behavior

• V71.01 Adult antisocial behavior
• V71.02 Child or adolescent antisocial behavior
• V62.82 Bereavement
• V62.89 Borderline intellectual functioning
• 313.82 Identity problem



Movement disorder

• 333.90 Movement disorder NOS
• 333.1 Postural tremor


Neglect of child

• V61.21 Neglect of child
• 995.5 Neglect of child (if focus of attention is on victim)



• 333.99 Acute akathisia
• 333.7 Acute dystonia
• 332.1 Parkinsonism
• 333.82 Tardive dyskinesia
• 333.92 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
• V71.09 No diagnosis on Axis II
• V71.09 No diagnosis or condition on Axis I
• V15.81 Noncompliance with treatment
• V62.2 Occupational problem
• V61.20 Parent-child relational problem
• V61.1 Partner relational problem
• V62.89 Phase of life problem


Physical abuse

• V61.1 Physical abuse of adult
• 995.81 Physical abuse of adult (if focus of attention is on victim)
• V61.21 Physical abuse of child
• 995.5 Physical abuse of child (if focus of attention is on victim)
• 316 Psychological factors affecting medical condition


Relational problem

• V62.81 Relational problem NOS
• V61.9 Relational problem related to a mental disorder or general medical condition
• V62.89 Religious or spiritual problem
• V61.8 Sibling relational problem
• 300.9 Unspecified mental disorder (nonpsychotic)
• 799.9 Diagnosis deferred on Axis II
• 799.9 Diagnosis or condition deferred on Axis I
• V65.2 Malingering

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