What is the purpose of LifeRing Secular Recovery and how does it support individuals in their journey towards sobriety?

LifeRing Secular Recovery is a supportive community that strives to provide individuals with the necessary tools and resources to overcome addiction and maintain sobriety. As a secular organization, LifeRing focuses on creating a non-judgmental and inclusive environment, where individuals from all backgrounds can come together to support each other in their journey towards recovery. By promoting the idea of self-empowerment and personal responsibility, LifeRing aims to help individuals build a meaningful and fulfilling life without relying on substances. Through their unique approach, LifeRing offers a supportive and non-religious alternative to traditional recovery programs, providing individuals with the freedom to define their own path towards sobriety. In this introduction, we will explore the purpose of LifeRing Secular Recovery and how it supports individuals in their journey towards a healthier and happier life.

LifeRing Secular Recovery (LifeRing or LSR) is a secular, non-profit organization providing peer-run addiction recovery groups for anyone with a desire to recover from alcohol and drug addiction or who are in a relationship with an addict or alcoholic. LifeRing split from Secular Organizations for Sobriety in 1997, and incorporated officially in 1999. LifeRing has meetings in the United States, Canada and Europe.

LifeRing encourages an experimental approach to maintaining abstinence from addictive drugs and its members are free to incorporate ideas from any source they find useful, including other addiction recovery groups. LifeRing encourages members to use relapses as learning experiences and discourages admonishing members for relapsing. The LifeRing philosophy is expressed in three principles: Sobriety, Secularity, and Self-Help. Sobriety is defined as abstinence from alcohol and addictive drugs (prescription or otherwise). According to the principle of Secularity, LifeRing meetings do not open with prayers and members are not encouraged to believe in a Supreme Being. The principle of Self-Help encourages each member to develop their own program of recovery. Unlike twelve-step programs, members do not have sponsors, but are encouraged to help each other. Meetings are run by peers, not led by professionals, and members are allowed to give each other feedback during them.

LifeRing uses the book How Was Your Week which replaced the Handbook of Secular Recovery which replaced the text used in Sobriety handbook, the SOS way: an introduction to Secular Organizations for Sobriety.

Family members and friends of LifeRing members can attend meetings provided they are clean and sober at the time of the meeting. A separate LifeRing Partners organization is planned.

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