What is the purpose of Rehabilitation Robotics and how does it benefit individuals undergoing rehabilitation?

Rehabilitation robotics is a rapidly advancing field that utilizes advanced technologies to aid individuals undergoing rehabilitation. The purpose of rehabilitation robotics is to assist individuals in regaining lost motor functions and abilities, as well as improving their overall quality of life. This innovative approach to rehabilitation offers numerous benefits to individuals, including increased independence, improved recovery outcomes, and enhanced physical and psychological well-being. Through the use of cutting-edge robotic devices, rehabilitation robotics aims to provide individuals with the tools and support they need to achieve optimal recovery and reach their full potential. In this article, we will delve into the purpose of rehabilitation robotics and explore how it benefits individuals undergoing rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation robotics is a field of research dedicated to understanding and augmenting rehabilitation through the application of robotic devices. Rehabilitation robotics includes development of robotic therapies.


Rehabilitation robotics can be considered a specific focus of biomedical engineering, and a part of human-robot interaction. In this field, clinicians, therapists, and engineers collaborate to help rehabilitate patients.

Prominent goals in the field include: developing implementable technologies that can be easily used by patients, therapists, and clinicians; enhancing the efficacy of clinician’s therapies; and increasing the ease of activities in the daily lives of patients.

The International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics occurs every two years, with the first conference in 1989. The most recent conference was held in Kyoto, Japan in 2009; an upcoming conference is scheduled for 2011 in Zurich, Switzerland.

Current Areas of Research

Current robotic devices include exoskeletons for aiding limb or hand movement such as the Tibion Bionic Leg, the Myomo Neuro-robotic System and the Berkeley Bionics eLegs; enhanced treadmills such as the Lokomat; and robotic arms to retrain motor movement of the limb such as the MIT-MANUS. Some devices are meant to aid strength development of specific motor movements, while others seek to aid these movements directly. Often robotic technologies attempt to leverage the principles of neuroplasticity by improving quality of movement, and increasing the intensity and repetition of the task.

Rehabilitation robotics may also include virtual reality technology.

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